1. Details of the applicant
Please enter your first and last name.
Please note that students can only apply for projects of size XS. In addition, these projects must be related to a final thesis.
Research assistants and postdocs can apply for projects of size XS to M.
Professors can apply for projects of all sizes.
Please specify which university, institute or institution in Rhineland-Palatinate you belong to.
Please specify your field of research.
Please enter your phone number.
Please enter your business e-mail address. Please do not use private e-mail addresses if possible.
Please enter a URL to your website here.
2. Details of the project
Please state the official title of the project. The title will be published on the AHRP website.
We need an acronym for the management of your project and reserve the right to assign a site-specific prefix.
Please specify the duration of the project.
Please specify how the project is funded.
Please provide a short description of your project. This will be published on the AHRP website.
The detailed project description will be used by the AHRP reviewers to evaluate your application. It will not be published.
The project description must be between 2 and 10 pages (depending on the size of the project). For more information on the required information, see below for the project size to be selected.
If texts from a DFG or BMBF proposal or similar are available, they can of course be reused. In this case, please also specify the funding number of the project.
At this point it is necessary to justify the size of your project (or the units of use applied for) by a mathematical estimate. Please also specify which software and/or algorithms you use.
Here you can specify a website for the project. The link will be published on the AHRP website.
Please enter an e-mail address at which we can contact the technical contact person.
Please enter a landline number where we can usually reach the technical contact person.
Please enter a mobile number where we can reach the technical contact person in urgent cases.
Please enter the names and (if available) accounts of the users who will be running calculations or simulations in the project. If no account exists yet, please enter only the name.
3. Information on the expected use of resources
Selection of the high-performance computer *
Please note the information about tier 2 and 3 and the projects possible on them in the AHRP User Regulations (German only).
Please specify the period of time in which you would like to use the high performance computer. A maximum of two years per project is possible. After that, you can apply for a one-year extension.
Expected type of use *
For better planning, please specify which parallelism your applications usually use.
Planned CPU usage in usage units (NE) per month *
Please note the information about project sizes in the AHRP User Regulations (German only).
Please select which options you want to book.
AHRP User Regulations *